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Refuge Recovery


Since 2014

Refuge Recovery

Buddhism recognizes a non-theistic approach to spiritual practice. The Refuge Recovery program of recovery does not ask anyone to believe anything, only to trust the process and do the hard work of recovery.

This program contains a systematic approach to treating and recovering from all forms of addictions. Using the traditional formulation, the program of recovery consists of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. When sincerely practiced, the program will ensure a full recovery from addiction and a lifelong sense of well-being and happiness.

Of course, like every path, you can only get to your destination by moving forward, one foot in front of the other. The path is gradual and comprehensive, a map of the inner terrain that must be traversed in the process of recovery. The path includes daily meditation practices, written investigations of the causes and conditions of your addictions, and how to find or create the community you will need in order to heal and awaken. Our community helps shape, inform, and enhance the program with their direct experience of practicing these principles. This program, then, should be viewed as a collaborative effort. We have every intention to learn, grow and evolve.


mondays 630pm

Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship


The Buddhist Path

Four Truths

 Refuge Recovery follows the traditional Buddhist system of the Four Noble Truths, which begin with four actions.

1st Truth: Addiction Creates Suffering; We take stock of all the suffering we have experienced and caused as addicts.

2nd Truth: The Cause of Addiction Is Repetitive Craving; We investigate the causes and conditions that lead to addiction and begin the process of letting go.

3rd Truth: Recovery is possible; We come to understand that recovery is possible and take refuge in the path that leads to the end of addiction.

4th Truth: The path to recovery is available; We engage in the process of the Eightfold Path that leads to recovery.

EightfoLd Path

We engage in the process of the Eightfold Path that leads to recovery.

1. Understanding

2. Intentions

3. Speech/community

4. Actions

5. Livelihood/service

6. Effort

7. Mindfulness

8. Concentration

Meditation Is The Cornerstone Of Our Path

We develop wisdom through practicing formal mindfulness meditation.

This leads to seeing clearly and healing the root causes and conditions that lead to the suffering of addiction. We practice present-time aware- ness in all aspects of our lives. We take refuge in the present.

Mindfulness Meditations

Heart Practice Meditations

Forgiveness Meditations